♫  Members  ♫

    Bagpipes Bassoon Clarinet Cowbell (basic) Cowbell (moor) Drums Fiddle Flute Harp Horn Lute Pibgorn Theorbo (aka Bass)
 ♪      Carminia
 ♪      Gundurwarth
 ♪      Kaoss
 ♪      Mealfred
 ♪      Raymiond
 ♪      Turinthi

Updated: 2024.01.30

Gerard van Honthorst - The Singers

Interested in joining?

Contact Raymiond.


For more information, see our F.A.Q. page.

Kinships represented

      Adventure Time in Middle Earth

      Against the Void

      Alone in the Shadow

      Black Bunny Army of Game Worlds

      Celtic Social Club

      Christian Gamers Alliance

      The Cursers of Lag

      Ember Syndicate

      Golden Dragons

      Gong-Wardens' Union

      Guardsmen of the Free Peoples


      Knights of Kingstead

      A Long Expected Party


      Middle Earth Pirates

      The Phantom Riders of Rushgore

      Ramble On of Elendimir

      Shadow Riders of Ringlo Vale

      The Shire Loremasters

      Society of St Pius V

      Tan Y Ddraig

      United Ones

      Wards of Lore

      Warriors of Camelot